I understand that dance involves twisting, turning and jumping and that injuries may result and that the dance school staff will not be liable for injuries that may be sustained during classes, rehearsals or performances.
I understand that if a dancer has missed more than 20% of exam classes, she will not be entered into any dance examinations.
I understand that it is my responsibility as a parent to make sure that my dancer has transport to and from all dance examinations/performances and/or competitions.
I understand I have to be present on the day of examinations and to make sure that my child is correctly groomed for their examination.
I understand that dance involves special clothing/accessories and that my child will have the correct attire for the dance style/s that they are enrolled for.
I understand that monthly fees are payable in advance, and that the fees for the month in question will be paid no later than the 2nd of each month.
Fees are payable monthly from February to November, no fees payable for January or December as there are no classes presented during those two months.
If fees are paid per term, it must be received by the end of the first month of the start of the new term
Fees will not be adjusted for missing class due to sport, personal events etc.
Examination, competition and costumes fees must be paid in cash in a separate envelope sent out to each dancer when classes start.
Any student with examination or competition fees that are not paid by the closing date communicated, regrettably will not be entered.
I understand that examinations and competitions have separate participation fees from monthly class fees.
I understand that if I will be responsible for the payment of 1 (one) extra dance costume per style, per year for showcase/competition purposes.
Competition attire depends on the dance that the dancer will be entered into - either group dances or solo dances - and will be discussed with parents when competition rehearsals start.
Solo costumes are the responsibility of the parent. Parents are welcome to make use of the seamstress made available by the studio, but can also use their own.
No ballet classes will be given on public holidays, unless previously arranged.
No classes presented during the school holidays.
Ready to get started?
You can register for dance classes online by clicking on the link below:
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